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Step by Step Cute Easter Design

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Timmy the Lamb Step by Step design

Get ready for Easter with this cute design creating Timmy the Lamb

Here is what you need to create this design:
- base - CN acrylic powder #170 
- Timmy- CN  acrylic powder white 012 and black 011 
- decorating needle 
- CN acrylic brush 
-CN  acrylic paint white 01 and black 02 
- CN Barbara 2 brush
- CN gem glue gel and beads+ crystals 
1. Apply colour as a base - the colour used is a pearly pink 
2. Start with the first bead of white acrylic, quite big to give Timmy nice fat, sorry, fluffy tummy ????
3. When acrylic is quite dry but not set yet, using decorating needle, pierce the bead and create little dents and wholes which will look a bit like Timmys woolly coat ????
4. Create his head with black acrylics, use bead much smaller than his body 
5. Now separately on a nail form, create the ears, when they are quite dry but not completely set, transfer to the tip, and attach nicely to his head 
6. Using a small white bead create his woolly hair on his head, the same way we did his body. 
7. Add little black beads to create his legs
8. Create his eyes with tiny white beads
9. the Last thing to do is to add details Using acrylic paints 
10. Finish with beads and diamond to create his collar 
I hope you enjoy it!
Karolina Tryc,
Crystal Nails Master International Educator


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